martes, 23 de noviembre de 2021


Hi everyone, today I will talk about the moment that I had the most cringe in the year.

 Here we have my most embarrassing moment of my existence, to contextualize the situation, this was this year, and it's necessary for you to know that I'm signed up in swimming club at the university, with this, naturally I have to go to the pool, I usually go with my friend, however, this day she was ill, so I went alone. how I went early, I didn't know what to do, and I told my friend, to which he tells me that the teacher in one instance commented that students could enter the swimming pool if they arrived before the beginning of the class. I was surprised, I asked her if what she was saying was real, she assures me that yes, to which I do what she said and I go into the pool, when a while passes, a man enters the pool (which by the way, was empty) and yells at me saying what was I doing inside and who had authorized me, I tell him that the teacher authorized me, however, he expels me from the pool saying no I should be there, all ashamed I leave, I almost wish I did not return go to the pool, I was left with that feeling all day, I didn't know what to do, today it still give me cringe...

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